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Refuge de Platé looped through the Dérochoir

© Refuge de Platé looped through the Dérochoir - Karine Mandray

Alpine hike to venture behind the Fiz and reach the largest lapiaz in Europe: the Platé Desert, a listed natural site.


From Plaine-Joux, follow the motorable track which crosses the ski resort and will lead you to Ayères des Pierrières. A path on your left winds through scree and large boulders to reach the cable passage and the ladders going up to Dérochoir. You then enter the Passy nature reserve and enjoy a magnificent view over the valley of Sales.

From the Passage du Dérochoir, turn left towards the Col de la Portette and then descend to the Platé refuge. You will then go south to descend the chimney of Platé by a narrow and steep path. At the bottom of the descent, turn left to join Plaine-Joux.


  • Distance 13.8km
  • Difficulté Très difficile
  • Type d'itinéraire BOUCLE
  • Dénivelé positif 1235m
  • Dénivelé négatif 1235m
  • Durée 06h00
  • Itinéraire balisé Yes
  • Nature du terrain Rock, Stone, Ground, Not suitable for strollers
  • Altitude maximum 2354m

Opening period

From 15/06 to 15/11.

Subject to favorable weather.



Pets allowed : No

Refuge de Platé looped through the Dérochoir
321 Chemin des Parchets Plaine-Joux 74190 Passy
  • Distance 13.8km
  • Durée 06h00
  • Difficulté Très difficile
  • Dénivelé positif 1235m